Wednesday, September 7, 2011

It’s Officially Official

As of Sunday, September 4, the season is over. Nik’s team, the Tampa Yankees, did well but not quite good enough to make the playoffs (they finished in second place, 2.5 games back). The last game was at 11 a.m. Sunday and when Nik and I got back to the apartment around 5, two of his three roommates were already gone. Impressive.

Nik can’t move into our apartment until the 14th so his new roommate, much to her delight, is my grandmother. She adores Nik and just happens to have a spare bedroom with his name all over it. He’ll stay there until Friday when we go to California for a few days. Then next week, it’s yet another move!

I’ve lived in the same house since 1997. Moving is not a thing I have too much experience with, but since Nik and I started dating I feel like I’ve become a pro. I’ve helped him move at least five times and things are always the same. Nik sort of stands around doing something my mother would probably classify as dillydallying while I shove miscellaneous items in his face and ask, “Can this be thrown away?” You’d be surprised how much trash accumulates around these apartments. Surprised because hello! there is a trash can ten feet from you so the fact that you have a burrito wrapper from two months ago makes no sense.

Then we get serious. There’s the clothes packing and, more recently, the air mattress deflating and the ensuing debacle of trying to fold it just so in order to fit it back in the bag. Luckily, Nik doesn’t have a lot of stuff and things move pretty quickly once the air mattress is wrestled back into the packaging. Then we load up the truck giving special consideration to the gloves, of course, and the electronics (what on earth would baseball players do without a gaming system?). And off we go, to a new place, for now, until the next big adventure.

1 comment:

  1. You've lived in the same house since 1997? What about the college years where we moved to a new place at the end of every year? Do those years not count?

    Also, this post made me laugh outloud at work. Way to make me seem un-professional. :)
