Friday, April 29, 2011

Why Start this Blog?

It’s a fair question. Why does one randomly start a blog, oh, ten years after they get popular? It is not because I’m not an early adopter I’ll have you know. I humbly submit that, in fact, I belong to the early majority category. But that’s neither here nor there.

I never had a blog for the same reason I don’t have a twitter and I rarely update my facebook, I kind of feel like I don’t have anything to say. From this you may infer that something in my life has changed, and now I have loads of fun things to say. Sadly, this is not the case. What has really driven me to create this blog is (oh, I just got an idea…let’s do this in quiz form!):

A. my belief that my impending marriage will make me far more interesting, and I’m trying to plan ahead
B. boredom
C. the incessant request of my friends and family to know more about what’s going on in my life
D. my quest for internet celebrity

The correct answer is b. Boredom. You know, your calendar’s just not that full when you’re an engaged 23-year old without a fiancé who lives with your parents. Shocking, I know. But, you may begin to argue, you have a full-time job. So you’re busy at least 40 hours a week. WRONG AGAIN reader. I spend an average of one hour a day actually working at my job. That may be something I shouldn’t splash all over the internet, what with companies spying on current and prospective employees and all. But, you know, I think that maybe the daily crosswords and in-depth reading of the Washington Post already kind of give the lack of activity and abundance of free time away so no worries.

And now you know.

1 comment:

  1. This is best blog ever. I want to comment on every post, but I feel like I would come off as a stalker if I did that. So... I will resist.
