Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Movin’ On Up

Did you guess what this post title means? Or did you just assume I really like “The Jeffersons” (which I do by the way, that Florence is hysterical)? Nik got moved up! Isn’t promoted just the sweetest word you can think of? And do you know what that means? I have also been promoted-- to the home team wag because the next stop is Tampa! Hallelujah! And I mean Hallelujah! Praise God because I was just telling Him yesterday that I wasn’t sure I could live one more day like this.

I will admit that I had actually thought about how Nik would break the news to me when he got moved up. That’s not weird, right? It was perfect. I was recapping the game broadcast when Nik interrupted to say, “You actually listened today? You got over your fear of being bad luck?” I said that I had. And he said that I didn’t need to listen to any more games. The eyes welled up before he finished his thought. And, as a testament to the overwhelming happiness I felt, I actually cried while kneeling on my bathroom floor. I probably should not admit this but, in the spirit of honesty being the best policy and all, that floor is disgusting. In fact, there was a small dead spider somewhere near the vicinity of my face but I didn’t even care. My boy’s coming home!

1 comment:

  1. I am so so so excited for both of you! I literally screamed and jumped up in down last night. And through out the rest of the night, I would randomly fist pump (a la Ms. Samantha Murphey) and yell yes again.

    Tell Nik Congrats for me
